Las Escrituras alimentan mi apetito francés

Las Escrituras alimentan mi apetito francés

omino. Cilantro. Canela. Cardamomo. Chai. Chile. Los colores y los olores embelesaban mis sentidos mientras nuestros invitados atravesaban la puerta, trayendo a nuestro hogar francés mucho más que comida para compartir. Los habíamos invitado para un viaje culinario de...
Las Escrituras alimentan mi apetito francés

Scripture Feeds My French Appetite

Read this essay in French or Spanish Lire cet essai en françaisLea este ensayo en español umin. Cilantro. Cinnamon. Cardamom. Chai. Chile. Colors and smells enthralled my senses as our guests walked in the door, bringing into our French home much more than food to...
The Statistic that Nobody Believed

The Statistic that Nobody Believed

remember the conversation like it was yesterday. Over the dinner table, my wife, Libby, explained to me what seemed incomprehensible: There were more than 40 million people living in slavery around the world, and each year millions of young girls were sold in the sex...
Our Names Become Bridges

Our Names Become Bridges

n April 14, 1521, the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his Spanish companions presided over the first Christian baptism in the Philippines. As Father Pedro de Valderrama performed the rite, 800 tribal inhabitants went down into the churning waters and arose...
The Wounded Sparrow

The Wounded Sparrow

uruvilla was the name given to me. It means “one belonging to the Lord.” The name is common among the Christians of Kerala, in the south of India, who trace the origins of their community back to St Thomas Didymus, the “doubter” and the twin. As I matured into...